happy elementary school classmates

If you’re thinking about enrolling your children in a private school, there are many important factors to consider. As an elementary school teacher who has taught at private schools (both independent and religious) in San Diego and Los Angeles, I have a unique perspective to offer that may help. 


During admissions season, schools will have an Open House or offer tours to introduce prospective families to their campus and faculty. Since schools showcase the best of their programs and facilities during these events, it’s a good idea to think about what questions to ask ahead of time in order to obtain more detailed information and get an idea of daily schedules. 


Not every school is right for every child, so first, take into consideration your children’s personalities and how they learn best. If you’re not sure how to answer that question, learn more about it in the article “What’s Your Child’s Learning Style?” at www.sandiegofamily.com/resources/education-directory/kids-unique-learning-style.


Here are things to evaluate as you take school tours and consider private school education. 


While Walking Around Campus
  • Campus safety is huge concern these days. Take notice of the protocol when you check in for your tour. Do they check ID? Is the door or gate locked? Is there a security guard?
  • Take a look at the playground and outdoor spaces. Can you imagine your children playing there? What would they gravitate towards?
  • Look around at the students, faculty and other parents. Do you see diversity? Is this a place your child and your family will feel included and accepted?


While in Classrooms
  • Are students sitting individually in rows? This could be a sign of a more traditional, rigorous environment with little collaboration and communication between peers. Are they sitting in pairs or pods of other students? Group problem solving and collaboration is likely encouraged daily.
  • Is there a space for students to sit other than desks? For younger grades, it may be a big carpet or cozy reading nook. This demonstrates some flexibility in seating and movement allowed in the classroom.
  • Look at the work on the walls. Do you see individuality and creativity? Is there a lot of writing? Does it look like students produced the work? Is art student made or teacher driven?
  • Watch teachers interact with students. Are they lecturing at the front of the classroom or walking around checking in on students and talking with them one-on-one? How many teachers are in each classroom?


More Questions to Ask
  • What does a typical day look like? 
  • How much time do students spend sitting at a desk?
  • Are students allowed or encouraged to work together and collaborate?
  • What is the school’s philosophy on learning? Do they allow for hands-on learning or is it mostly assignments with text books?
  • Does the school use actual text books or is everything digital?
  • How many recesses/breaks per day?
  • Are extracurricular classes like music and art offered on campus? If so, how often?
  • How is social and emotional learning (SEL) supported?
  • How are conflicts between students handled?
  • What is the process for evaluating student progress? 
  • How accessible are teachers?
  • Are there volunteer opportunities for parents in (or out of) the classroom? 
  • Are there social gatherings for parents/families throughout the year? Having a strong connection between school and home is proven to help students be more successful. The more you are involved in the school community, the better for your child.
  • What experience do teachers have? You may be surprised to hear that some private schools do not require teachers to have credentials, so be sure to ask. 
  • How many years on average have teachers taught at the school? Take note if there is high teacher turnover; unhappy teachers are not a good sign. 


When choosing a private school, it’s critical to examine factors beyond the school’s reputation, location, price, etc. Not every learning environment is suited for every student, so it’s crucial to evaluate and reflect on which school will be most appropriate. You know your children best; choosing the right environment will help set them up for success.


Liz White has her BA from UCLA and credential and MA from LMU. After teaching grades TK-1 for 12 years she started Primary Prep, an education company helping students develop kindergarten readiness skills. 


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