Thank you for your interest in writing for San Diego Family Magazine.
We accept editorial submissions from professional, conscientious, detail-oriented writers who specialize in kids, parenting or topics of interest to families. Find a detailed list of topics in our Editorial and Advertising Planner.
About Us
San Diego Family is a free, monthly parenting publication with circulation of 50,000 print issues throughout San Diego County and a free, online digital magazine. We are the local experts on kid-friendly activities and family life in San Diego. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for San Diego County families by providing articles, information and resources that support the importance and pleasure of parenting. Our readers are parents and caregivers of children ages 0–18. Family Magazine also publishes three annual magazines: 1) “Flourishing Families, the Parent Resource Guide for Children with Special Needs,” 2) “Out & About with Kids, the Local and Visitor's Guide to San Diego County,” and 3) "San Diego Babies and Toddlers" (digital only). San Diego Family is the parent company of the nonprofit Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego.
What We’re Looking For
We want well-written, thought-provoking feature articles with relevant sidebars (700–1,000 words) and short features (400–700 words) that focus on timely parenting issues and highlight local San Diego experts or content. Our readers may only have a few minutes to flip through the magazine, so we prefer an easy-to-read format with “chunks” of information. Stories should be relevant, compelling and use words efficiently. We want our readers to feel understood, supported, inspired or entertained.
• Reprint submissions are accepted, but preference is given to local writers. Please do not submit reprints that are older than 18 months (unless updated) as they tend to contain outdated information and trends. We prefer quotes from San Diego-area professionals.
- Please email completed articles to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. put “article submission” in the subject line. - We pay for assigned artilcles upon publication (not submission).
- If an assigned article is deemed unpublishable, we offer a kill fee of 10 percent of what the payment would have been.
- Articles may be submitted as a Word document or embedded in an email.
- Proof your work before submitting. Articles with poor grammar, misspelled words or not in accordance with these guidelines will not be considered.
- Include your name, mailing address, phone number, email and word count on the first page of your article and a 25-word author bio at the end.
- We do not pay for bylined articles. Professionals may offer their expertise to our readers in exchange for a mention of their website or book in a 25-word byline.
- We receive hundreds of submissions; please note that we will respond only to articles we are considering for publication.
- If your article is published, payment and will be mailed within three weeks of publication. You can access the digital edition of Family Magazine at
Important Tips - We use AP Style Guidelines. Familiarize yourself with them before submitting your article.
- Give your article a title. Even though we may change it, your submission is incomplete without one.
- Localize the story within the first couple paragraphs.
- Keep paragraphs short.
- Only ONE SPACE following the period at the end of a sentence.
- Do not use "he/she." Pick one and stick with it throughout the piece.
- Interviews and resources with a San Diego County focus are a huge plus.
- Be consistent in your writing.
- Avoid filler words: however, anyway, therefore, in order to, etc.
- Omit trademark symbols.
- Do not use any special formatting in your submission.
- All submissions are subject to editing.
- To purchase a single copy or annual subscription of San Diego Family Magazine, click here.
Articles are due on the 10th of the month, two months prior to publication (e.g., Jan. 10 for the March issue); however the editorial calendar is filled 3–5 months in advance, so plan accordingly.
Please send queries to
Rights and Exclusivity
San Diego Family requires first-time exclusive print rights and exclusive electronic rights in the SAN DIEGO COUNTY PARENTING MARKET for the first three months your material is published with SDFM. Simultaneous submissions to other parenting publications/websites outside of San Diego County are accepted. Since all SDFM publications are made into digital editions—and because our websites are extensions of our publications—online rights are assumed to be included in our purchase of your work. Your submission may appear in more than one of our publications or websites (San Diego Family, Flourishing Families or Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego). If you do not want your article to appear on our websites, please do not submit it to our magazine.