Comprehensive Services and Programs
integrating Psychoeducational, Psychotherapeutic, Speech-Language and Neurocognitive Methodologies.

Who We Are

Madeline Falcone, LMFT, founded Falcone Institute more than thirty five years ago. Since that time, the Falcone Method continues to evolve, ever strengthening our team’s mission to teach skills that change lives forever, by helping people "learn how to learn" efficiently and effectively. 

Through a synergistic blend of traditional and complementary therapeutic and educational services, we teach individuals to embrace learning and achieve personal success while overcoming a history of emotional challenges and limiting beliefs. 

Our holistic approach toward social-emotional learning helps individuals gain skill sets to be lifelong learners; harmonize learning, thinking, and emotions in everyday life; increase autonomy and self-advocacy; and make healthy life choices.

Individualized Mental and Emotional Health Programs for
Your Child, Family, and You.

What We Do

Many of our clients reach out to Falcone Institute as a “resource of last resort” after exploring other interventions and services. Families share their frustrations, fears, and hopes for their child ~ frequently they have sought other services or have hit ‘a wall’ in understanding and supporting their child.

Our expertise and ability to ‘see’ and acknowledge each child’s and family’s specific needs provide a ray of hope for our client families. Beyond just ‘seeing’ their child, we recognize the greater potential that many may have thought, or even overtly stated as, impossible.

We provide an atmosphere of acceptance, accountability, integrity, celebration and connection ~ a truly heart-centered practice and a ‘brave place’ for all clients and their families.


Our team provides stand-alone and integrated therapeutic support
and services to neurotypical and neurodiverse children,
teens and adults in the following areas:

  • Mental Health Concerns

  • Suicide Ideation

  • Neurological Impairment

  • Traumatic Brain Injury / Concussions

  • Family Adjustment Challenges

  • Sensory Integration Disorder

  • Gender Identity and Social/Sexual Development

  • Trauma-Related Issues (Acute & Chronic)

  • Age-Related Cognitive and Memory Decline

  • Learning Difficulties

  • Language-Based Difficulties / Language Processing Issues

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders and other Developmental Delays

  • Down Syndrome

  • Adoption Dynamics


  • Executive Functioning Delays

  • Emotional, Behavioral & Social Regulation Challenges

  • Stress Management Issues

How may we be of service?